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The Long Hallway

For all those micro design firms looking to grow to the next level, there's the long hallway - the distance between the physical working spaces of the individuals that comprise virtual companies

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Contrast and Meaning

Designers work to communicate and convey meaning. So it's important that you understand the mechanisms by which things and ideas acquire meaning

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Glowing Tabs Menu

An artistic horizontal CSS menu that uses the Sliding Doors technique to light up a tab's outline when the mouse rolls over it.

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Interview: Jon Christopher of Monday By Noon

Jon, of Monday By Noon, chats with the team at Fadtastic about standards and accessibility

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15 Tips to choose a good font

This guides provides you with 15 simple steps to a better selection of fonts for your design.

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Soft Serve Font-Size

The future of font sizing. Pixels for good browsers, ems for IE.

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Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design (Book review)

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com reviews Transcending CSS

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Unobtrusive JavaScript, Microformats, and the Google AJAX Feed API

Ajaxian discusses an example that creates a Feed Billboard using the Google AJAX Feed API released the other day.

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